50000 Satohis in 2 Minutes

With the help of Latium you can get 50 000 free Satoshis(0.0005 Bitcoins) or even more in 2 Minutes!

How does it work?

1st Step:

You need to click THIS LINK
You will be redirected to this Website

2nd Step:

Now register with a E-Mail address.
IMPORTANT: You can only register one account in one household!

3rd Step:

After complete registration, download the latium wallet for your OS. Get the receive address from the wallet.
Goto the dashboard and click on Reports>Payouts to me
You should have 5 LAT, click request payment and type your adress in there. Now you will get 5 LAT on the wallet.

4th Step:

Goto Coin Swap, register a free account and deposit the Latium to your account. (It needs 10 confirmations to show up)
Then exchange the LAT into BTC HERE
Withdraw the BTC and you should have approx. 0.0005 BTC credited!

Extra Step:

Refer friends! You always get a referral bonus from 100 Levels(friends invite friends, then this friend invites another one…) !!!

Thanks for reading!

please let me know if you have any doubts in the comments....

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